Executive Summary
I did a bit of number crunching, comparing us to other beta sites, and the non-beta sites to see where we stand on the numbers showed here. The categories I looked at are:
- Questions (Total)
- Answers (Total)
- Users (Total)
- Visits/Day
- Questions/Day
For questions, we are behind all non-beta sites. For answers we beat Skeptics, and are neck and neck with Theoretical Computer Science. For users we beat Mathematica, Bicycles, Travel, RPGs, Christianity, and Mi Yodeya. For visits we beat UX, RPGs, Mathematica, On Startups, Mi Yodeya, and Theoretical Computer Science (we are neck and neck with Travel and Bicycles). For questions per day we beat Bicycles, Theoretical Computer Science, OnStartups, and Skeptics.
In other words, I think we are getting mighty close as we are pulling in line with non-beta sites in almost every category, and have a very significant audience compared with many non-beta sites. If we keep providing valuable information for visitors, I think we will find ourselves with a non-default theme soonTM
Additional Info on Close Ratio
I did a bit more analysis based on gnat's comment below. I looked at the following sites for ratio of closed questions both in the past month, and total, and compared it to our site. Here are the results (last month questions / last month closed / last month closed %, total questions / total closed / total closed %):
- Travel ( 223 / 56 / 25.1% ; 5,185 / 654 / 12.6% )
- Mi Yodeya ( 234 / 14 / 6.0% ; 8,728 / 446 / 5.1% )
- The Workplace ( 157 / 66 / 42.0% ; 2,318 / 566 / 24.4% )
- Bicycles ( 121 / 11 / 9.1% ; 3,791 / 165 / 4.4% )
- Theoretical Computer Science ( 150 / 14 / 9.3% ; 4,859 / 207 / 4.3% )
- Answers OnStartups ( 115 / 27 / 23.5% ; 9,874 / 579 / 5.9% )
- Skeptics ( 91 / 22 / 24.2% ; 4,049 / 367 / 9.1% )
We have dramatically more closed questions than any non-beta site ratio-wise, both recently and overall. Because of the topic (and the urge for people to ask for personalized advice) this may be avoidable, but in the meantime we can continue to work on deleting closed questions (or at least voting them down so they will be auto-deleted), and editing salvageable questions and reopening them.
Here is how we rank among the beta sites in each category. If you want to do your own analysis, I have a CSV dump at the bottom of this answer (it ain't perfect, numbers are rounded, blah blah blah).
Rank: 25/65
Total: 2.3k
Lowest in Non-Beta sites: 3.8k (Bicycles)
(Since it seems deleted questions aren't counted, ironically our efforts in cleaning things up may be hurting our raw numbers here)
Rank: 8/65
Total: 8.5k
Lowest in Non-Beta sites: 5.5k (Skeptics)
Rank: 3/65
Total: 8.5k
Lowest in Non-Beta sites: 2.5k (Mi Yodeya)
Rank: 6/65
Total: 7.8k
Lowest in Non-Beta sites: 1.7k (Theoretical Computer Science)
Rank: 16/65
Total: 5.6
Lowest in Non-Beta sites: 3.3 (Skeptics)
Data Dump
Site,Beta?,Q,A,% A,Users,Visits,Q/Day,Age;
Stack Overflow,0,5900000,11000000,0.77,2400000,6000000,7100,5y3m;
Ask Ubuntu,0,121000,156000,0.69,147000,285000,195,3y3m;
Super User,0,191000,321000,0.76,199000,501000,182,4y3m;
Server Fault,0,160000,298000,0.82,141000,198000,98,4y6m;
TeX - LaTeX,0,48000,71000,0.97,33000,53000,63,3y3m;
WordPress Answers,0,37000,51000,0.8,30000,26000,52,3y2m;
Unix & Linux,0,30000,53000,0.86,43000,62000,50,3y2m;
Drupal Answers,0,31000,40000,0.72,17000,22000,47,2y7m;
Meta Stack Overflow,0,57000,96000,0.88,90000,8500,46,4y4m;
Cross Validated,0,27000,33000,0.71,24000,22000,45,3y3m;
Geographic Information Systems,0,25000,36000,0.79,18000,20000,43,3y3m;
English Language & Usage,0,28000,76000,1,40000,118000,40,3y2m;
Ask Different,0,32000,53000,0.78,45000,119000,37,3y2m;
Electrical Engineering,0,21000,44000,0.93,22000,27000,35,3y1m;
Android Enthusiasts,0,17000,23000,0.74,34000,65000,23,3y1m;
Database Administrators,0,17000,26000,0.88,24000,32000,22,2y9m;
Game Development,0,17000,33000,0.9,30000,15000,18,3y3m;
Information Security,0,10000,25000,0.98,27000,22000,17,2y11m;
Web Applications,0,13000,19000,0.81,35000,55000,14,3y4m;
Home Improvement,0,8600,17000,0.92,12000,29000,12,3y3m;
Science Fiction & Fantasy,0,11000,22000,0.95,15000,19000,8.3,2y9m;
User Experience,0,9300,30000,0.99,28000,7400,8.3,3y2m;
Mi Yodeya,0,8700,16000,0.89,2500,1900,6.9,2y5m;
Seasoned Advice,0,8400,23000,0.99,14000,61000,6.2,3y3m;
Role-playing Games,0,5800,18000,1,6400,5300,6,3y2m;
The Workplace,1,2300,8500,1,8500,7800,5.6,1y6m;
Theoretical Computer Science,0,4900,8600,0.81,14000,1700,4.9,3y2m;
Answers OnStartups,0,9800,30000,0.98,18000,3800,3.6,3y1m;
Ask Patents,0,722,1700,0.87,4500,1200,1.7,1y1m;
Stack Apps,0,1600,1800,0.69,14000,458,0.5,3y7m;