After a comment in chat about the The 7 Essential Meta Questions of Every Beta, I looked to see if we had done work on deciding how we want our tagging to be handled. While I found small discussions of bits and pieces, I didn't see any giant universal tag discussion. So I'm creating one.
Some things I think we should do with tags:
- Create synonyms for similar tags where needed
- Minimize one-time tags that provide little/no future value
- Add descriptions to tags without one
- Decide how to differentiate between tags, and hopefully retag some of the most popular questions along those lines
Here is a list of tags on The Workplace and the count of questions with that tag as of July 17th, 2013, using the stackexchange API:
- acquisition - 4 questions
- alertness - 1 questions
- applications - 64 questions
- appraisal - 3 questions
- asia - 1 questions
- australia - 2 questions
- background-check - 9 questions
- batna - 1 questions
- benefits - 7 questions
- billing - 4 questions
- blogging - 3 questions
- bonus - 7 questions
- break-time - 3 questions
- burnout - 3 questions
- business - 6 questions
- business-cards - 4 questions
- canada - 7 questions
- career-development - 149 questions
- careers - 36 questions
- career-switch - 11 questions
- certification - 8 questions
- citizenship - 1 questions
- cliches - 1 questions
- clients - 9 questions
- colleagues - 85 questions
- communication - 143 questions
- company - 6 questions
- company-culture - 54 questions
- company-policy - 25 questions
- compensation - 13 questions
- complaint - 4 questions
- conflict - 12 questions
- contract-extension - 1 questions
- contracting - 2 questions
- contractors - 18 questions
- contracts - 40 questions
- corporate-culture - 4 questions
- cover-letter - 27 questions
- credentials - 1 questions
- cubicles - 4 questions
- culture - 5 questions
- customer-service - 2 questions
- cv - 12 questions
- deadlines - 6 questions
- developer - 1 questions
- disability - 3 questions
- discrimination - 8 questions
- distractions - 5 questions
- diversity - 2 questions
- documentation - 4 questions
- dress-code - 16 questions
- education - 20 questions
- efficiency - 3 questions
- email - 46 questions
- employees - 19 questions
- employer-relations - 52 questions
- entry-level - 2 questions
- ergonomics - 7 questions
- ethics - 33 questions
- etiquette - 123 questions
- europass - 3 questions
- exit-interview - 1 questions
- expenses - 9 questions
- feedback - 10 questions
- follow-up - 7 questions
- freelancing - 26 questions
- fulltime - 7 questions
- germany - 1 questions
- hardware - 1 questions
- health - 2 questions
- hiring-process - 153 questions
- hours - 7 questions
- human-resources - 38 questions
- immigration - 1 questions
- india - 15 questions
- industry-conference - 3 questions
- injury-prevention - 1 questions
- intellectual-property - 1 questions
- international - 5 questions
- internship - 53 questions
- interview - 5 questions
- interviewing - 279 questions
- invoices - 2 questions
- job - 13 questions
- job-acceptance - 1 questions
- job-change - 95 questions
- job-description - 7 questions
- job-listing - 6 questions
- job-offer - 59 questions
- job-search - 126 questions
- knowledge-transfer - 7 questions
- layoff - 5 questions
- leadership - 13 questions
- learning - 7 questions
- leave-of-absence - 4 questions
- library - 1 questions
- linkedin - 26 questions
- location - 7 questions
- lunch - 5 questions
- management - 153 questions
- masters - 3 questions
- mauritius - 1 questions
- meetings - 28 questions
- mentoring - 5 questions
- micro-management - 2 questions
- morale - 1 questions
- motivation - 18 questions
- negotiation - 68 questions
- nepotism - 2 questions
- networking - 17 questions
- new-hires - 5 questions
- new-job - 97 questions
- non-disclosure-agreement - 3 questions
- non-profit - 2 questions
- notice-period - 10 questions
- office-layout - 6 questions
- offices - 15 questions
- online - 2 questions
- online-presence - 5 questions
- opportunity - 4 questions
- overtime - 10 questions
- pakistan - 1 questions
- paperwork - 1 questions
- part-time - 4 questions
- pay - 3 questions
- payment - 3 questions
- people-management - 5 questions
- performance - 9 questions
- performance-reviews - 24 questions
- phone - 4 questions
- planning - 5 questions
- politics - 23 questions
- portfolio - 1 questions
- position - 3 questions
- pre-screening - 6 questions
- presentations - 4 questions
- probation - 1 questions
- productivity - 51 questions
- professionalism - 203 questions
- project-management - 29 questions
- projects - 17 questions
- promises - 1 questions
- promotion - 21 questions
- psychology - 10 questions
- qualification - 5 questions
- quitting - 9 questions
- raise - 21 questions
- recommendation - 7 questions
- recruiter - 5 questions
- recruitment - 74 questions
- redundancy - 3 questions
- references - 28 questions
- referrals - 1 questions
- reinterviewing - 2 questions
- relationships - 32 questions
- relocation - 9 questions
- remote - 8 questions
- resignation - 36 questions
- respect - 1 questions
- resume - 212 questions
- salaried-pay - 1 questions
- salary - 114 questions
- scrum - 2 questions
- security - 5 questions
- security-clearance - 4 questions
- server - 1 questions
- sexual-harassment - 2 questions
- sickness - 6 questions
- skills - 27 questions
- socializing - 8 questions
- software - 1 questions
- software-industry - 258 questions
- startup - 19 questions
- stress - 8 questions
- student - 12 questions
- supplies - 1 questions
- taxes - 5 questions
- team - 73 questions
- team-role - 4 questions
- tech-industry - 11 questions
- technology - 19 questions
- telecommute - 7 questions
- termination - 10 questions
- terminology - 7 questions
- time-management - 20 questions
- time-off - 9 questions
- title - 15 questions
- training - 12 questions
- travel - 4 questions
- turnover - 2 questions
- uk - 4 questions
- unions - 2 questions
- united-kingdom - 17 questions
- united-states - 46 questions
- untagged - 4 questions
- vacation - 20 questions
- vesting - 1 questions
- visa - 3 questions
- volunteering - 3 questions
- websites - 7 questions
- whistle-blowing - 2 questions
- work - 9 questions
- work-environment - 172 questions
- work-experience - 43 questions
- working-conditions - 6 questions
- work-life-balance - 31 questions
- workplace-rhythm - 12 questions
- workplace-routine - 1 questions
- work-time - 8 questions
The following tags have only 1 question, and should be looked at by the community to determine if they are better off merged with other tags, made a synonym, or removed entirely:
- alertness - 1 questions
- asia - 1 questions
- batna - 1 questions
- citizenship - 1 questions
- cliches - 1 questions
- contract-extension - 1 questions
- credentials - 1 questions
- developer - 1 questions
- exit-interview - 1 questions
- germany - 1 questions
- hardware - 1 questions
- immigration - 1 questions
- injury-prevention - 1 questions
- intellectual-property - 1 questions
- job-acceptance - 1 questions
- library - 1 questions
- mauritius - 1 questions
- morale - 1 questions
- pakistan - 1 questions
- paperwork - 1 questions
- portfolio - 1 questions
- probation - 1 questions
- promises - 1 questions
- referrals - 1 questions
- respect - 1 questions
- salaried-pay - 1 questions
- server - 1 questions
- software - 1 questions
- supplies - 1 questions
- vesting - 1 questions
- workplace-routine - 1 questions
There are many country/region tags which were partially discussed in this Meta thread, but we may want to revisit the topic since there seems to be a bit of a mess currently.
A lot of the tags also seem like they could be duplicates, or they should be properly labeled to explain their usage. There are also a significant amount of tags without any description, which should be worked on, but unfortunately it doesn't seem like the API will let me find them easily.