In the context of Workplace, what makes a question close-worthy based on this reason:
"primarily opinion-based"
Many good questions generate some degree of opinion based on expert experience, but answers to this question will tend to be almost entirely based on opinions, rather than facts, references, or specific expertise.
While this makes much sense for many Stack Exchange sites, where facts and references are expected, I'm having difficulty seeing how the lion's share of questions here could not be primarily opinion-based.
In particular, a moderator decided this question was close worthy for that reason:
How can I interact professionally with female colleagues whose appearance I find distracting?
While I can't disagree that this situation is subjective, I fail to see how this would be different from the many (unclosed) questions of a similar style.
How to deal with a colleague who wants to groom me for the job unsolicited?
How to deal with a manager who doesn't encourage independence?
How to deal with a colleague who doesn't want to collaborate?
How can I deal with two supervisors with conflicting requirements?
How should I deal with colleagues asking me to hide problems with their work?
How can I deal with an abusive manager who publicly belittles me?
How do I deal with a high manager that is pushy with deadlines?
How to deal with a boss who has lost touch with modern software development?
How to deal with a colleague who is showing off my work as his own?
How to deal with a team lead direct report that acts unprofessionally?
How to deal with a co-worker who preaches and is head strong?
How to deal with a team in which one of the members doesn't accept critique?
How to deal with a difficult team consisting mostly of senior members?
How to deal with team member openly discrediting me across the company?
How to deal with a team member who tries emotional blackmail on us?
How should I deal with an employee who has slept with my wife?
How do you deal with employees' unrealistic pay expectations?
How to deal with an older team member resisting a team leader
How to deal with manager who thinks that I'm threatening him
How can I deal with a difficult developer that is holding back the project?
How do I deal with an offensive joke from someone in upper management?
How to deal with a colleague who's trying to piggyback on my work for a presentation?
How to deal with a person who perceives a culture problem on our team?
How do I deal with getting blamed for my coworker's sloppy code?
How to deal with a colleague who wants to be a personal friend and not just a work colleague?
How to deal with a Manager who believes the more difficult solution is always the best solution
How do I deal with a boastful colleague who has inside information from the boss?
How to deal with lying co-worker who misrepresents issues or makes up scenarios
How do I deal with a team member that keeps taking on tasks that he cannot solve?
How to deal with a developer who thinks all technical questions should be answered by him only?
How can I deal with a coworker who keeps trying to put blame on my shoulders?
How to deal with a coworker that told you about the position and now feels he/she owns you?
How can a new manager deal with a report who is not productive and has communication issues?
How can I deal with a team lead who represents my work as his work?
How can I deal with my colleagues making me do the grunt part of the job?
How should I deal with a situation where 90% of my suggestions are ignored or rejected?
How do you deal with someone who makes you not want to talk to them?
How do I deal with a manager who perceives a quality problem as not as critical as I do?
How do deal with a very profitable client whose project is doomed (by his own decisions)
How can I deal with senior colleagues constantly getting my name wrong?
How can I deal with co-workers that send me a lot of off topic emails?
How to deal with colleagues scolding/taunting me for my sniffles, rhinitis, hay fever?
Dealing with clients who want more than what's in the contract
Dealing with co-workers intentionally working slower to milk their work hours?
How do I deal with a co-worker who thinks his own shortcomings are funny?
How do I deal with a boss who is not doing her job and gets defensive when asked for her help?
(Curiously, I found that the question of distracting dress was if anything was less opinionated, judging by the number of empirical studies referenced in its answers.)
What is the distinction?