The question I'm about to ask is how to gently tell a person in a discuss group that they overtalks and try to take the leader position but fails to make a good, agreed by others argument.
What topics can I ask about here?
The Workplace Stack Exchange is a Q&A site about the workplace and other career-related topics. With your help we're working to build a library to every question about the workplace related to:
- Finding employment (resumes/cv/cover letters, recruiters, hiring-managers, interviews, negotiations, etc.)
- Maintaining employment (promotions, pay increases, harassment, bullying, poor working conditions, communication problems, etc.)
- Leadership in the workplace (motivating people, encouraging people, making decisions, holding hard conversations, intervening in unproductive situations, asking for and giving help, etc.)
- Terminating employment (notice period, breaking the news, handing over work, reference letters, relieving letters, etc.)
If it's not, I think this kind of question may be on topic on Community Building SE.
This question was first asked in Academia. I was suggested that Workplace was more suitable.
Are questions about academic club on to topic here?