Popular questions tend to attract a ton of comments.
Questions on this site tend to attract more comments than on other sites because:
- the topics are circumstance-specific and require lots of clarification from the OP.
- Many people want to offer subjective opinions.
At a certain point, long comment threads get moved to chat. I'm not sure exactly what the criterion is, but it mostly seems related to there being a lot of comments.
The thing is, if you look at the comments on the example thread, you will see that it is not an extended discussion. Almost all the comments are directly responding to the OP with feedback or requests for clarification, and few are responding to other comments.
Moving these threads to chat makes it difficult to get feedback from the OP about specific circumstances.
Could we either:
Move only discussion-like comments to chat, and leave comments addressed to the OP that have not yet been addressed?
Wait a week or so before moving comments to chat, so that the OP has a chance to respond to them?
give me teh codez
or other site specific), others use SE as a way to get more heads to think more in depth about a problem that they are not alone in facing. SE, as I understand it, is meant to, as at least one of its main goals, to create a resource for the future. That requires time to consider, among other things.