It seems there is a vocal component of our base users that think that well written questions that ask for our experienced based opinions on "what job(s) they should take/look for" or "what skills would be useful" should be acceptable questions.
This question to me:
Is clearly tell me about what your job path was that was successful so I can emulate that success. Which is just a well written, but still a version of what job should I take.
The original decision, which I agreed with then, was that we did not want these types of questions clogging up the site and making it useless. I think in the early days of the site it probably would have clogged up the site with too much noise.
Now I am far less worried about those questions clogging up the site. We have a great user base and some incredible experts(and pseudo-experts like myself) that could provide some very helpful guidance in some of these situations. I think our signal to noise ratio may be able handle a hit from a few bad questions that might come in if we opened up the site to these questions though.
We would still close bad questions that have no context or ask which is better as those are bad subjective. And I think we should still close questions that are asking us to make a decision for the OP. But questions asking something like:
I am here and want to get to there what path is going to put me in the best position to do that?
I would like to some day be able to get a job doing X, How can i get to there from here?
Are probably questions that could be very helpful to our users.
If it becomes a problem we can always put the prohibition back in place.
Should we lift the prohibition on questions asking which skills to learn or job to take while leaving the prohibition on questions asking us to make a decision for them?