Recently we've had a large number of questions deleted because they were clearly trolling. Some examples (sorry, this is going to be all 10k+ links): New coworker demanding $10k, Autistic teenager, Tickling boss, How to get fired
These questions were closed by enderland, and he said that there was information available only to moderators that made it obvious these questions are trolling. Can you share with us at least what type of information is leading you to this conclusion, even if you can't share specific details? It would help us to understand what we can reasonably ask you to determine for future questions.
There have been some other deleted or closed questions that weren't mod-deleted, but also could possibly be trolling. The fact that they were asked by brand new accounts makes them more suspicious to me: Bathroom peeper, I don't respond well to feedback, Working with a rapist
Now there's another new question from a brand new account that could potentially be legitimate, but sets off some warning bells for me: Running coworker
Is there a reason we're suddenly getting all of these troll accounts? Do we think they're the same person? Can a moderator verify whether all of these actually are all trolls? Is there anything we can do to stop it (e.g. IP blocking)?
The biggest problem I see here is that the trolling for some of these questions is quite subtle, and it's not always obvious which questions are real or not. Without access to the moderator tools (which I'm not asking for), it's difficult for most regular users to know whether to respond seriously or not. What can we as regular users do to help quickly identify trolling questions without attacking legitimate questions?