I have enjoyed my first few months here at the Workplace, and I found the community to be very helpful, with insightful and mind opening discussions. However, in the last six months, something changed. I started feeling more and more hostility from this website, with more direct attacks, quickly closed questions and harsh remarks. And it's not a matter of rules, because most questions could be shut down using the "it depends" justification, that is just an excuse.
I don't know if it was a turnover in the community, and I don't have data to support my impression, but I realised that, while at the beginning I was always eager to visit and interact with The Workplace, over time I have started steering away from it, as I associated it with negativity. It's a shame, but right now, when I have a question related to work, I think twice before going to The Workplace, as in most cases I will be meeting not helpfulness and collaboration, but hostility and self-aggrandisement.
I am keeping my account for the moment, but I felt it was right to give some feedback on the current situation. Feel free to comment, or even better, Close/Delete/Deride this post. Thanks for reading.