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Questions tagged [opinion-based]

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3 answers

What are "opinion-based" questions?

In the context of Workplace, what makes a question close-worthy based on this reason: "primarily opinion-based" Many good questions generate some degree of opinion based on expert ...
Paul Draper's user avatar
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3 answers

Can we eliminate the close reason "Primarily Opinion Based"?

Our SE is based on asking how to deal with workplace situations. There is no one right answer and many times the questions that are more complex and require more thought are just being closed for ...
IDrinkandIKnowThings's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

What is opinion based?

I don't understand the use of this site if I cannot ask How do you handle co-workers that want to converse with you in the bathroom? I can offer you at least 100 questions over the past two months ...
blankip's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Can we re-review this question?

Not long ago, I asked the following question and got a few responses: How / when should a person notify in their job that they're transitioning gender? However, it was then put on hold as being ...
Alpha's user avatar
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How much leeway is there for opinion based questions when the questions is likely to come up repeatedly?

I think that we can agree that the question I'm returning to the workforce after a long-standing medical concern. Do I share this with a potential employer? is primarily opinion based, but this is a ...
James Fenwick's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Should questions about problems that someone other than the OP faces be allowed?

Recently, there I encountered two questions about problems found in prominent news stories (rather than a problem that the OP personally faces): Could producing a grave bug that made headlines make ...
EJoshuaS - Stand with Ukraine's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Is a question opinion-based if all answers are of the same opinion?

I noticed this question has been put on hold. I normally wouldn't look twice and trust the 'hive mind' SE operates on but this time it struck me as a bit odd. To quote the relevant parts: My ...
rath's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Opinion Questions on Workplace Stack Exchange

I have newly acquired the ability to vote on Close/Re-Open questions and whilst going through the queue, I noticed a pattern. Looking on here, I found this question: Here which talks about what ...
TheDemonLord's user avatar
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How to choose between similar answers?

I have gotten some good answers on a question of mine, wherein the lot can be classified into 2 broad groups of recommendations. There is a majority of answers that recommend one approach but all ...
wplace's user avatar
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Why is this question opinion-based?

Should staying-at-home period waiting for specialized project better suits me be counted as working? It asks for a yes or no answer, and the consensus is clear: no. So how can this be opinion-based? ...
Ooker's user avatar
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Opinion based question

This question is entirely about opinion and cannot have any one definite answer. Why has it not been closed? Subjects to discuss while on break with older colleagues
user avatar
-5 votes
2 answers

This question is objectively opinion based but isn't being flagged due to it's easy to answer nature

The question in topic is If or How to answer compliments from boss at work and what I will say is that I will probably flag this as primarily opinion based as well.. It is. As per the question it asks ...
li x's user avatar
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-10 votes
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Discussion questions

As some questions do not have an objective answer and one may want to know other people's thoughts on the subject, it may make sense to have questions which purpose is not to get a definitive answer ...
sergiol's user avatar
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