I'm new to Workplace.SE, though I'm active on other SE sites.

One thing I've noticed is that there is a downvoting police, that goes around giving -1 to anything they don't like. Go to the main page, and there is a whole list of questions with 0 and -1 scores. Several questions I gave a +1 to have a score or 0 or lower(which means others downvoted them).

 It's the same with many answers. They have a plus score, and I found them useful; yet when I come back a few minutes later, they have gone to negative.

Some of these questions were valid, though they could have been written better. But is that enough reason to mark them down?

Are the people of this site too eager to give downvotes? Is this a good practice to get more people into the community?

Edit: Thanks for downvoting my question. I guess it proves my point.