Our current tag line is
members of the workforce navigating the professional setting
This is used everywhere to describe the site. It shows up in the Google description of the site, in the very top of our FAQ, at the beginning of the about page, on migration links, etc
The Workplace Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for members of the workforce navigating the professional setting.
But I feel it is missing something. Our site is about the topic of the workplace, and is not just a Q&A site for members of the workforce to get answers from each other. It's a place to go to get answers about the workplace, not about my situation at the workplace.
Far too often I see users posting questions here for advice because they are a "member of the workplace", they are "navigating the professional setting", and they have a valid question (it ends in a question mark), however their question was still closed as off-topic because it's about their specific situation at the workplace, not about the workplace in general.
The tag line is usually the first thing anyone reads about our site, and it should be crystal clear that this is a Q&A site about the Workplace, and not a Q&A site for members of the workforce to get answers from each other about anything.
I was told by Tim Post that typically the tag line of most SE sites is
"This is a site for [acceptable skill level of audience] about [topic]"
however since our site is about such a broad and subjective topic, and the audience is almost anyone, I think the topic should definitely be first and foremost in our tag line.
So what can we change it to that will immediately make people think this is a Q&A site about the workplace, and not some Dear Abby forum to get advice from other members of the workforce?
Here's some examples of where/how I see it used:
FAQ page:
The Workplace - Stack Exchange is for
Google Links:
Beta Q&A site for
About page:
The Workplace Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for
Migration links (none right now):
- belongs on workplace.stackexchange.com
Q&A for<tagline>
Ben Brocka has confirmed that the top of the FAQ and the top of the About page can be completely edited by moderators, so can we try to focus on alternative phrasings for those two bits of documentation?
Migration links won't become an issue until after we're out of beta, and the meta description tag doesn't show up in Google until after a site graduates. I suspect both of them are based on our Target Audience anyways, which is one of the 3 fields you specify when you create an Area51 proposal, and is probably only modified by the SE dev team.
Current FAQ:
What kind of questions can I ask here?
The Workplace - Stack Exchange is for members of the workforce navigating the professional setting.
Current About Page:
The Workplace Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for members of the workforce navigating the professional setting.
What can we change these to that will immediately make people think this is a Q&A site about the workplace, and not some Dear Abby forum to get advice from other members of the workforce?