If it's the one I'm thinking about, the question hasn't changed, but the tone of it has, in order to make it more constructive in nature.
Previously, it was
"How do I punish people for not doing what I tell them?"
And now it's more about
"How do I help people transition to this new way of working?"
Most of the question is the same, but the tone is different.
The downvotes weren't about it being a bad question, it was more about the bad premise (people downvoted because they didn't want to reward a punishment-oriented question).
The question was identified as being potentially a good question, was discussed in the main chatroom here and subsequently edited in a way that made it positive sounding without trashing the existing answers.
Although the questioner isn't likely to return (he/she dropped the question and didn't respond or return from that day to this, probably due to backlash about the "punishment" angle of the original edit).
The bounty has made it attractive to people now, who will hopefully provide answers that are helpful to people searching for the same issue.
The upvotes are as a result of the change of tone.
It's great that older questions are being revived like this, and the editing of them to make them more answerable (without changing the original premise) is also great.