We frequently receive flags where users ask us to delete their own question. However, if the question has received upvoted answers, we will usually not delete the question. Doing so would be unfair to users who have spent time answering the question, and to the community members who found them useful.
Moreover, deleting the question is not a one-size-fits-all solution for every issue users might be having with their own question. There are other alternatives that can address the actual problem more effectively than deleting the question entirely.
For example:
- If you accidentally (or intentionally) posted something inappropriate that could get you fired, we could edit out the sensitive bits (and redact the older revision for especially serious issues).
- If your question was selected for the Hot Network Questions, thus giving it an uncomfortably unexpected exposure, and opening you up to drive-by trolling in answers and comments, we could protect or lock the post, or put it on hold till we deal with the issue.
- If the subject of your question is somewhat ... controversial, and you are receiving lots of unwarranted
abusecriticism in comments and/or answers, we could edit the post to tone down or remove the controversial aspects, and deal with the criticism as appropriate. - etc...
We obviously want to help you, but we cannot determine the right approach without knowing the actual issue that compelled you to raise the flag. As a result, we will usually decline the flag, and ask you to flag the question again with additional details. This turnaround time can be reduced by specifying the actual issue in the first flag itself.
In short, avoid raising flags with comments like these:
Please delete my question.
I am withdrawing my question, please remove.
Delete this lol.
Instead, use comments like these:
Help! I accidentally pasted company confidential code in the wrong window. Please delete.
My question is on HNQ. If my
bossmom sees this, I am in big trouble. Please remove.
I am tired of the endless lecturing on why berating my boss in a department meeting is a horrible idea. Alright, I get it, now let me delete this question.