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Questions tagged [moderator-tools]

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-1 votes
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Delete votes but no delete option

The on-hold question Can anyone solve these acronyms? appears in my moderator tools Delete votes panel/queue, but when I click on it it has no delete option (and it is not deleted yet). When writing ...
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2 votes
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Is moderator chat separate from normal chat? How do I view it?

I saw a post on the workplace stackexchange which had many edits and there was also an automatic message that moderator comments or discussion had been moved to chat. I was able to view the edits ...
user985366's user avatar
5 votes
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Is it possible for a Moderator to edit multiple user comments for privacy reasons?

A user asked this question and then realized they had used their real name and wanted to change that. They were instructed how to change their user name here but several of the comments seem to still ...
O.M.Y.'s user avatar
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Minimal contrast between handled and unhandled flags

When there are multiple flags on a post, and some have already been handled, the contrast is extremely minimal between the two, and it's not easy to see the difference. In the picture below, the VLQ ...
yoozer8's user avatar
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Moderator dialog content very spaced out

There is a lot of extra space around the content in the "mod" dialog on posts. I recall the "actions" link/title being on the left (along with the occasionally relevant "info" link), rather than ...
yoozer8's user avatar
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Moderator stat highlighting not very visible

On the moderator tools page, the "25% or less" highlighting is grey, like the rest of the text. It is bold, but I don't think that's really sufficient highlighting. I believe this used to be red ...
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