Several days ago (perhaps week before last?), I posted a comment on this answer:
As closely as I can recall, my comment was:
This answer is the most generous/gracious/nicest answer here. Although, if you have two of the same cup, how can you tell them apart?
Someone later replied something along the lines of:
Cups like this often come in different varieties, so you could get one that is slightly different.
(That wasn't very close to the text, but that was the basic point.)
Those comments have since been deleted, and I'm very confused about why. My original comment raised what I considered to be a valid point (How do you tell them apart?). I suppose the mention of it being nice/generous/gracious might be considered chatty, but when I originally made the comment, I felt that pointing it out was important since the answer was sitting at a net -4 votes. (I clearly am not the only one to hold that opinion, as it has since received a net +24 votes and is sitting at +20.) The second comment was purely useful; it addressed the concern I raised (or at least attempted to).
Could someone shed some light on the reason for deleting these comments?