I've seen several posts from a specific user on the site that seem to be right on the border of being rude or offensive over the past couple of weeks. Some things seem slightly over the line, and other things seem like they're just edgy.
Occasionally, I flag, but I've been debating whether or not I should actually address this issue with the person on one of the posts.
On one hand, I really don't want to put that user's business out there and call them out, saying "here and in a couple of other posts I've seen, you've repeatedly said things that could be seen as rude or offensive, can you work on rephrasing these things?".
On the other hand, it's an issue that I feel needs to be addressed, because it is a problem that's re-occurring multiple times.
Recently, I came to the conclusion that this person may actually not be aware that this behavior can be taken as offensive: their demeanor on the site is otherwise helpful, and they do put good effort into answering others questions / comments.
With no way to directly message someone, and wanting to avoid just repeatedly flagging their posts as abusive or something along those lines, I feel like there aren't a lot of options here.
I want to let this user know that other people might be seeing what they're saying differently, and taking offense, so they can avoid possibly taking on several flags inadvertently in the future. At the same time, I feel like it would be inappropriate for me to directly say something - in a comment for example - because it might start another useless argument in the comments section of a post, and might not be taken genuinely.
What's the standard for dealing with this sort of thing, here?
Should I just flag an individual item for moderator attention, and leave a detailed comment? Is that something they'd be able to provide feedback on? I'm fairly confused about what the right course of action here would be.