Reasons why this question is not ok:
- This question is too specific. It will help just one person. I feel like no one else will learn how to get fired from this question
- User posting on the question is sticking on general rules when he feels to, but then makes up the rules when he feels to
Thanks @MarioTrucco but you are wrong. All StackExchange sites have specific rules they ask their community members to abide by when casting downvotes. If you read that link, nowhere does it say "Hey, feel free to downvote any question you want, just because you don't like it." Of course users are legally allowed to do whatever they want, but they would be doing so outside the scope of the community rules
When he got explained why people downvote on the question. Then I posted this snarky (I admit) comment:
@smeeb your last comment gave me idea: Keep behaving in the job exactly as you behave in these comments and it will get you fired easily
Which got this response:
I'm sorry you are annoyed and/or frustrated by my comments @PavelJanicek however I am just staying within the bounds of community rules. I am not being offensive to anyone at all. I am even upvoting other users every single time they solicit a possible solution. I corrected one user because he/she seemed to be uncertain about the community downvoting rules. And I flagged your initial comment for removal because I considered it to be "life coaching" and not relevant to the given problem at hand. I am also flagging your latest comment because, yet again, it is unconstructive.
I admit I did lose my temper there, but strictly speaking: Life coaching is not reason to flag a comment, which someone intending on the community rules should know
- Acceptance criteria are not known and depend on good will of the OP: We do not know all the details. OP refuses to tell all the details, but it seems that he keeps adding details on the go
Edit: It might be totally not workplace related question at all
From this comment:
Also, for anyone whose really interested, replace all my uses of the phrase "future employer" or "future prospective employer" with "wife", and suddenly, this whole question should make complete sense :-) well, to anyone whose married that is
you can also read: "I am interested in another girl, but it would be better if my current wife leaves me. How to do that?"
I know the above is speculation. But I am very convinced that the question is actually not about a job at all