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Questions tagged [faq-content]

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11 votes
1 answer

Prompt for more context on new questions?

Our guidance on asking a good question is quite generic. The context needed in Workplace SE is often different to other sites, though, and I would argue we should prompt for it, both on this page, and ...
Adam Burke's user avatar
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7 answers

What should the "Back it up" policy look like for The Workplace

Nearly two years to the day since "back it up" was introduced to Workplace, there seems to be a lot of confusion regarding what the principle looks like on The Workplace. Here is all our on-topic ...
enderland's user avatar
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How do I know if a question is on-topic for The Workplace?

Based on confusion by some of our regulars about what is on-topic, as well as confusion from regular users and mods who post here, and due to a request by gnat I think we need to create a quick 'What ...
jmac's user avatar
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'On-Topic' and 'Off-Topic' sections of the help center

Now that we have graduated, I think we should re-visit this discussion. As an official site, we should strive to clearly state what is on- and off-topic here to help guide new users to become ...
jmac's user avatar
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Editing the Help Center

It looks like our FAQ link now redirects to a help center. I don't think it has the same information as it used to (it would seem, not 100% positive). This is apparently universally rolled-out across ...
jmac's user avatar
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5 answers

Can we add "Questions asking for advice" to the list of off-topic questions?

We keep getting "I want advice on XXXX" types of questions which are all vague and more appropriate for a discussion board - not a Q/A site. Can we please update the first item under the list of off ...
enderland's user avatar
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Analytical Badge?

I know going on a badge-quest is probably a tad bit cheesy. But this one's been bugging me. I feel like by now I should have read all the sections of the FAQ - so recently I made a deliberate effort ...
bethlakshmi's user avatar
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Clarifying that this site's scope is a topic and not a community in the FAQ?

I recently saw this question about adding another bullet point to the "don't ask" list, and was thinking that perhaps instead of maintaining a huge "don't-ask" list, it would be better to clarify the ...
Rachel's user avatar
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Add "How do I get a job doing XXXXX" to FAQ "don't ask"

This question made me realize the FAQ doesn't specifically reference not asking "how do I get a job doing XXX" and variants. I recommend we add an additional question to the FAQ in the format of: "...
enderland's user avatar
  • 111k
6 votes
2 answers

Creating an extended, community cultivated FAQ on Meta

The site's FAQ is important but intentionally terse; Meta is better for fleshing out supporting arguments and finer points, but it's a pain to find. The faq tag is meant to help make sort of a long-...
Zelda's user avatar
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FAQ Addendum: "typical" Salary/Hourly rates are off topic

Something I really should have brought up in FAQ Proposal: Off topic areas is that questions about average expected salary/hourly rates/how much should I charge are always too localized. As typified ...
Zelda's user avatar
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FAQ Proposal: Off topic areas

Per the feedback in FAQ - What questions can I ask here I'd like to add the following Off Topic areas to the first part of our FAQ ASAP: What questions are off topic here? "Which job should ...
Zelda's user avatar
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FAQ - What questions can I ask here

Currently the FAQ states this: The Workplace - Stack Exchange is for members of the workforce navigating the professional setting. I find this sourly lacking. What does this include? What does ...
Oded's user avatar
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4 answers

How do we define Constructive on this site?

Asking Constructive questions (and defining what that means for us) is a big issue I think we really need solved. We need it solved to help us define the site and help people ask questions, assured ...
Zelda's user avatar
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24 votes
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FAQ proposal: Back It Up and Don't Repeat Others

I'm considering adding the following clauses into the first bit of our FAQ: How should I answer? Make sure your answer adds helpful information and is a complete, stand-alone answer. Read other ...
Zelda's user avatar
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Should we add a "Back It Up" rule to the FAQ now?

When we discussed the Back It Up rule before ChrisF suggested adding the rule to the FAQ when we go public to make sure people are aware of it (when they bother to look). His post was highly voted and ...
Zelda's user avatar
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4 answers

Are questions of law ("is X legal?") questions off topic?

Prompted by Are digitally signed documents legally binding? - to which the only answer I can give is "It depends on your jurisdiction!", and related to Are employment law questions off-topic?: do we ...
voretaq7's user avatar
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"Job marketplace" vs. "workplace"

How can a westerner land an IT job in a third world country? appears well on its way to closure. Some reasons for closing this specific question appear in this meta question. However, I wish to ...
Andrew's user avatar
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Are employment law questions off-topic?

I would highly advocate that yes, such questions are off-topic, because we cannot reliably answer them and because the answers may depend on a number of other factors, such as jurisdiction and ...
Andrew's user avatar
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Are non-IT workplace questions on-topic?

Most (if not all) of the answers so far have been in direct relationship to the IT field - however, the title of this site is "The Workplace", not "The IT Workplace". Are non-IT related questions on-...
jrg's user avatar
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29 votes
7 answers

Does this site need a "back it up" rule?

There's all kinds of career advice out there on the Internet, much of it conflicting or wrong. The conflicting or wrong advice is especially prevalent (but not limited to) that found on open-access Q&...
Isaac Moses's user avatar