Should 'white male' status be considered in this question?
I think it should be returned. As it stands, the question makes no sense at all.
It asks "How can I avoid discrimination?" but gives absolutely no indication of why, or how, for what reason there ...
Should 'white male' status be considered in this question?
As the question stands now it looks ridiculous, as it basically says "How can I prevent discrimination against me by using things about me that people might discriminate against."
We have seen ...
My question was edited by a moderator, it was a poor edit, and now edits are locked?
I clarified further with an additional edit.
The post was locked for one hour because:
This post has been locked due to the high amount of off-topic comments generated. For extended discussions, ...
How can I prevent "too many" edits on my question?
Do not get into an edit war. If other users are repeatedly making unwanted edits to your question, flag the question for moderator attention and explain the situation. In this particular question, you ...
My question was edited by a moderator, it was a poor edit, and now edits are locked?
I've just reviewed the revision history and the 64 (!) deleted comments (the vast majority of them not constructive or worse), and I don't see anything "hostile" or "rather rude" from moderators. ...
Should 'white male' status be considered in this question?
Here's actually the issue I have. It's not so much as that it was edited (because Richard ultimately kept part of it and it's his intent on which approval is based) but that the editor actually ...
My question was edited by a moderator, it was a poor edit, and now edits are locked?
Best to be philosophical about these things, it's a fairly minor issue (to the rest of us I think). I can't see anything worth making a fuss over in how it was handled.
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